Monday 13 June 2011

Victoria Beckham Won't Take Maternity Leave.

For a working mom, maternity leave is a pleasant breather to focus on the new baby. But if you're Victoria Beckham, the world doesn't stop just because you've had a child.

The busy soon-to-be mom of four has said maternity leave doesn't exist in her world—she has an empire to run! Victoria says:
Maternity leave—what's that? I've been working incredibly hard so I'm prepared for next season. Being a working mum is hard—I think women can relate to me when I say it's like juggling glass balls. My husband and children will always be my priority. But for me, what I do professionally doesn't feel like a job—it's my passion.
We think it's great Victoria is so devoted to her fashion line, but we hope she doesn't forget to take a break!

Source: Vogue UK

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